Spirit Pack

This is where the good wolves come after death. Forever Midnight is where the evil wolves go! The Spirit Pack hates it there! The evil aura hurts them, weakens them! Just like if the evil wolves try to come here, our aura weakens them. Here Forest Pack and Mountain Pack are friendly, forgetting everything they've been through during life. Wolves get 9 lives!!

~Mountain Pack Wolves~


A large gray/brown male wolf with gray eyes. Swift, noble, strong a former Male Alpha of the Mountain Pack. His mate, Robin is beautiful and the former Female Alpha. They grew up together. He loves her and his son, Flare. He was a great leader, a perfect role model. He sacrficed his last life for Robin and Flare. Then later, Robin died of old age. Flare, now acting like him is Alpha of the Mountain Pack. He is so proud.
Mate: Robin
Pups: Flare


A sweet, beautiful and smart white she-wolf with dull blue eyes. Former She-Wolf Alpha of Mountain Pack. Now her pup, Flare is following in the pawsteps of his father! She's so proud!!! She was devestated when the death of Razor came...thankful that he saved herself and Flare. A few moons later she died of old age. Robin was reunited with Razor once again. She is happy to be with Razor again.
Mate: Razor
Pups: Flare

~Forest Pack Wolves~


Kira's mother. A light gray wolf with blue eyes.  A sweet kind wolf with a heart of gold.  She was born in the Mountain pack but moved to the Forest pack when her parents split.  She was a noble wolf and died defending her pack.  Her and her mate Garusies have another pup named Pirah but he died when he was born.
Mate: Garusies
Pups: Kira and Pirah(Dead)


A jet black wolf with green eyes. The former Alpha of the Forest Pack and father to Kira.  An honest wise leader who would die for his pack, and that is what happened.  To save his pack from a badger attack he out himself in danger for the packs safety.  He wishes Kira well and will always be watching her from the sky.
Mate: Jarachi
Pups: Kira and Pirah(Dead)