
Welcome to White Wolves!!! I'm Flare, Male Alpha of Mountain Pack. I made this site based on Wolves! With the special guest staring of Foxes and Badgers!!(rofl) So if you like Wolve go the http://thewhitewolves.weebly.com/blog-here.html, Blog Here page and leave a post saying you wanna join and leave the info there or e-mail it to me!! And keep scrolling down to see Warrior sites, and other sites!! :) :)     

Other Sites

http://pokemonrpg27.weebly.com/ -Kira's weebly site! It's about pokemon so don't join it if you don't like it!
http://warriorclans27.wetpaint.com/ - Kira's wetpaint site you can use for info! please check in often so you can see my updates!
http://warriorclans27.weebly.com/ - Kira's warriors site
http://dragonfire27.weebly.com/ - Kira's Dragon site! Join it!!!!http://www.shoutmix.com/main/index.php - Chat box website!
http://warriorclans132.weebly.com/ -My warrior site