Mountain Wolves

Mountain Wolves live in the Mountains, fighting off Mountain Lion and other animals. After they kill the animals, they take their territory and make it their new home. The Alpha is like a leader. If your the Alpha's son or daughter, your in the royal family and you either have the choice to pick another male to be leader or Become alpha yourself.
There are Alphas, She-Wolves, Pups, Healers, Fighters, Guards, Trainers and Knowers.
Prey: Large Birds, Bears, Moose, Foxes and Mountain Rabbits 



A husky, agressive white Alpha Wolf with black eyes. He is strong, sneaky and light on his paws.Flare is noble, wise and agressive fighter! Flare vows to keep his Pack alive. Keeping the pups, healthy and strong. Flare's father was Alpha until he died saving Flare and his mother from the Forest Pack Alpha, long ago. Now Alpha, following in his father's steps. He is proud of Mountain Pack. Flare can't wait to have his own pups! Flare would love to have a mate and pups.
Mother: Robin
Father: Razor
Siblings: None
Lives: All 9





A fearless, strong and large gray wolf with gray eyes. Defending his mate and pack with his life. Excellent Hunting skills and aggressive fighting skills. Boulder loves his mate, Lunar. She is having pups soon. He's proud of Flare and proud to be in Mountain Pack. He is full blood Mountain Pack. Boulder is swift, sneaky and mysterious. He parents died in a battle with Forest Pack.
Mate: Lunar
Pups: Coming Soon!!




A small gray and white she-wolf with odd pale purple eyes. Happy to be apart of Mountain Pack. Instead of with those weakling Forest Pack Wolves. But she is not a full Mountain Blood Wolf. Father born from Mountain Pack and Mother born from Forest Pack. So her sister, Flower decided to stay with their mother back in the forest. Mist stayed with their father in the Mountains. She is a trainer and soon will become a fighter. Helping fight in battles, train trainers and hunt for the Pack. She has a small crush on the Alpha, Flare. And can't wait until she can have her own mate and pups.
Mother: Dead
Father: Dead
Siblings: Flower(Forest Pack)



A small, beautiful white she-wolf with lime green eyes. She is smart, and knows her ways through the Mountains. She was a guard back in Forest Pack, but came here to be with Boulder. At first they didn't except her but a few days later she was excepted. As soon as her pups are trainers, she will go back to the life of a guard. Lunar is happy with Boulder. She obeys every order.
Mate: Boulder
Pups: Coming Soon!!!

