Forest Wolves

Forest Wolves, fierce, swift and sleek! We find territory in the forest! Killing off other animals trying to steal our land. We defend our pups with our lives. The Alpha is like a leader. If your the Alpha's son or daughter, your in the royal family and you either have the choice to pick another male to be leader or Become alpha yourself.
There are Alpha, Beta, She-Wolves(Nursing Wolves), Pups, Healers, Fighters, Guards, Trainers and Knowers.
Prey: Rabbits, Foxes, Snakes, Badgers, Small birds, Hawks, and Eagles



A small black wolf with purple eyes. She is the She-Wolf Alpha of the Forest pack of wolves. A strong leader and skilled at fighting an dhunting, and leads with a strict paw. Her father was the previous Alpha. She would like a mate and pups eventually but for now she just wants to lead her pack to greatness! She has  seen Flare but never really paid much attention, but now that they are both Alphas it's time she choose a mate.
Mother: Jarachi(Dead)
Father: Garusies(Dead)
Siblings: Pirah(Dead)
Mate: None
Lives: All 9







A small gray and white she-wolf with bright silver eyes. Happy to be apart of Forest Pack. Instead of with those weakling Mountain Pack Wolves. But she is not a full Forest Blood Wolf. Father born from Mountain Pack and Mother born from Forest Pack. So her sister, Mist decided to stay with their father back in the forest. Flower stayed with their mother in the Forest. She is a trainer and soon will become a fighter. Helping fight in battles, train trainers and hunt for the Pack. . And can't wait until she can have her own mate and pups. Flower and Mist are twins only their eye color is different.
Mother: Dead
Father: Dead
Siblings: Mist(Mountain Pack)


